
M Osborn, not no bot neither@ctll033・19h
Check out @Profepps ‘s link above, from Politifact. Justin K was heavily involved
in DT’s accounts, but left Deutche before the serious Russian money laundering
began. However, Michael Cohen’s records may still implicate Justin if earlier
crimes were committed.

Michael Cohen, “Better Call Saul” and Money Laundering

All the work that Michael Cohen did for Donald Trump as a lawyer and fixer, paying
off his paramours, intimidating those who threatened his private life or businesses
or lobbying corporations for money in order to get access into the Oval Office, may
be small potatoes when compared to the various deals with Russian oligarchs in
money laundering that he may have transacted for himself and maybe for Donald
before he became president.

This type of money laundering becomes a suspected vehicle where dirty money,
embezzled from a foreign country, is invested in American property and distributed
through income producing projects, clean money, to these nefarious individuals.

As an example, Michael Cohen bought buildings in Manhattan with cash and then
sold them for three times what he bought them also in cash to limited liability
corporations whose owners are not identified; what Mueller has to prove is that
these transactions were money laundering, starting with the fact that the buildings
were overvalued, and the new owners may have been Russians dealing with illegal
money, and he has to show that, like Saul Goodman’s nail salon on a much grander
scale, Cohen had the means to clean the money for the owners, or those affiliated
with them, by giving them a taxable income.