Citing anti-Israel bias, U.S. to withdraw from UNESCO
By LOUIS NELSON 10/12/2017 09:57 AM EDT

Former President Ronald Reagan pulled the U.S. from the Paris-based organization
in 1984 over complaints that UNESCO had a pro-Soviet Union, anti-Western bias.
Former President George W. Bush brought the U.S. back into the organization in 2002.

Under the administration of former President Barack Obama, the U.S. cut its funding
for UNESCO dramatically in 2011, reducing U.S. contributions by 22 percent in
response to the organization’s move to admit Palestine as a member. Those funding
cuts have put the U.S. in arrears on its dues to the organization by more than $500
million, according to a Foreign Policy report published Wednesday.

More problematic, though, have been actions by UNESCO perceived as anti-Israel. Last
year, Reuters reported that a UNESCO resolution characterizing to Jerusalem’s Dome
of the Rock ? a site referred to by Jews as the Temple Mount ? as only a “Muslim
holy site” prompted Israel to recall its ambassador to the organization.