【アメリカ】How Conservatives Weaponized the First Amendment[06/30]

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0001しじみ ★2018/07/07(土) 14:07:29.83ID:CAP_USER
WASHINGTON — On the final day of the Supreme Court term last week, Justice Elena Kagan sounded an alarm.

The court’s five conservative members, citing the First Amendment, had just dealt public unions a devastating blow. The day before, the same majority had used the First Amendment to reject a California law requiring religiously oriented “crisis pregnancy centers” to provide women with information about abortion.

Conservatives, said Justice Kagan, who is part of the court’s four-member liberal wing, were “weaponizing the First Amendment.”

The two decisions were the latest in a stunning run of victories for a conservative agenda that has increasingly been built on the foundation of free speech. Conservative groups, borrowing and building on arguments developed by liberals, have used the First Amendment to justify unlimited campaign spending, discrimination against gay couples and attacks on the regulation of tobacco, pharmaceuticals and guns.

“The right, which had for years been hostile to and very nervous about a strong First Amendment, has rediscovered it,” said Burt Neuborne, a law professor at New York University.

The Citizens United campaign finance case, for instance, was decided on free-speech grounds, with the five-justice conservative majority ruling that the First Amendment protects unlimited campaign spending by corporations. The government, the majority said, has no business regulating political speech.

The dissenters responded that the First Amendment did not require allowing corporate money to flood the political marketplace and corrupt democracy.

“The libertarian position has become dominant on the right on First Amendment issues,” said Ilya Shapiro, a lawyer with the Cato Institute. “It simply means that we should be skeptical of government attempts to regulate speech. That used to be an uncontroversial and nonideological point. What’s now being called the libertarian position on speech was in the 1960s the liberal position on speech.”




0002七つの海の名無しさん2018/07/07(土) 14:13:07.07ID:THHLOwO+

0003七つの海の名無しさん2018/07/07(土) 14:21:00.32ID:i2GET0L7
ESLの宿題か?w アメリカの憲法の問題なんて日本と何の関係もねーし誰も関心ないだろ? しょぼい英語力を自慢したいのかな?

0004七つの海の名無しさん2018/07/07(土) 14:29:43.55ID:5mayksnY
nihongo ni yakushite agero

0005七つの海の名無しさん2018/07/07(土) 14:31:15.09ID:qwzzntIB

0006七つの海の名無しさん2018/07/08(日) 02:00:53.76ID:RfTZGxuy
1. インドネシア・・・・767万チャン
2. タイ・・・・・・・・706万チャン
3. マレーシア・・・・・639万チャン
4. アメリカ・・・・・・346万チャン
5. シンガポール・・・・279万チャン
6. カナダ・・・・・・・137万チャン
7. ペルー・・・・・・・130万チャン
8. ベトナム・・・・・・126万チャン
9. フィリピン・・・・・115万チャン
10. ミャンマー・・・・・110万チャン

★★ 日本省 ・・・・・・73万890チャン



1. 中国・・・・・・・(254万8030チョン)
2. アメリカ・・・・・(249万2252チョン)
3. 日本・・・・・・・(81万8626チョン)★★★
4. カナダ・・・・・・(24万942チョン)
5. ウズベキスタン・・(18万1077チョン)
6. オーストラリア・・(18万44チョン)
7. ロシア・・・・・・(16万9680チョン)

【韓国】海外に暮らす韓国出身者 743万人に増加=日本には82万人

0007七つの海の名無しさん2018/07/08(日) 10:58:17.83ID:/gSRow/e

0008七つの海の名無しさん2018/07/08(日) 23:09:33.84ID:EfDNEk6u

0009七つの海の名無しさん2018/07/08(日) 23:23:22.83ID:pxQ/MMvT

0010七つの海の名無しさん2018/07/09(月) 06:11:12.59ID:wh827h86
Yeah, I cross-sectional study was employed from March to April
In this study, a total of 340 students were selected using simple random
sampling, and data on socio-demographic characteristics and factors
associated with the prevalence of intestinal parasites as well as stool
samples were collected and processed accordingly. Statistical analysis
was done using SPSS version 16, and binary and multivariate logistic
regression analysis were conducted to measure the strength of association
between dependent and independent variables.

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