【バングラデシュ】観測史上最低の気温2.6度を記録 貧困層に毛布7万枚配布[01/08]

■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
0001白夜φ ★2018/01/08(月) 23:48:12.79ID:CAP_USER
バングラ、観測史上最低の気温2.6度を記録 貧困層に毛布7万枚配布
2018年1月8日 20:27 発信地:ダッカ/バングラデシュ

【1月8日 AFP】熱帯地域に位置するバングラデシュで8日、観測史上最も低い気温2.6度を記録し、当局は防寒対策として貧困層に約7万枚の毛布を配布した。
1億6000万人の人口を抱えるバングラデシュの冬は温暖だが、8日は国内の数か所で、2.6度まで冷え込んだ。AFPの取材に応じたバングラデシュ気象局のトップ、シャムスディン・アフメド(Shamsuddin Ahmed)局長によると、観測を開始した1948年以降で最も低い気温だったという。

▽引用元:AFPBBNews 2018年1月8日 20:27

0002七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/08(月) 23:53:44.48ID:d3aQBrDm

0003七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/08(月) 23:57:56.26ID:XlosJ1h5

0004七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/08(月) 23:58:59.22ID:d3aQBrDm

0005七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/08(月) 23:59:34.23ID:bm2wbLln

0006七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 00:10:30.84ID:MmoOU4cm

0007七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 00:18:18.61ID:ndwGCg86


0008七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 00:21:11.02ID:R6AzZGm1

0009七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 00:25:56.39ID:UOoMSUh1

0010七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 00:36:18.75ID:7pmn3AOw

0011七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 00:37:35.98ID:XF1YsSx1
Good morning. Do you always work with your daughter, Mr. Campbell?
She asked for my company. I do everything in my power to make my baby girl happy.
I’ll give you the keys to the house and changing room. Please feel free to use anything you need.
That would be helpful.
Judy, come to the study and get **the** keys.

Mal’s been avoiding me like I’ve been avoiding him. We haven’t seen each other for the past three weeks. The garden will be complete in four days. After that I’ll never see Mal. Never again.

That was my brother. He must be frightened by your squeaky voice.
Don’t worry. I’ll get him and the truck out of the way. Sorry about the trouble. Good day.
Oh, dear. I didn’t mean to…
We’re going home, Billy.
But I’m not done **yet**
It’s okay, honey. Leave it.
Vivian Haulgate. The lofty flirt! They deserve each other!
Why are you crying, Judy?
My eyes. They hurt.
**I** thought I’d have a look at your wonderful garden you’re so proud of. I hope I didn’t offend the delivery girl.
I’ll send her your apologies. You can leave now.
But I just came.
I’m grateful for everything your husband has done for me. That’s why I’ve been treating you with respect.
It was a mistake! All you do is demand attention. Worse, it gave Judy the wrong idea about us. Be faithful to your husband. Promise me, Viv. You’re not allowed here without his presence.
Let’s have a break, Alf.
Will you come with me? There’s something I want you to see.
Make it quick. We’re undermanned.
Where’s Billy?
I can’t take it. You must have worked really hard to get your associates to agree.
All I had to do was show what you did with my garden. You earned it, Judy. Take it.
No, I didn’t. You’re the reason I got it. The answer is no. I don’t want to be in your debt!
So, you let the biggest chance of your life slip through your fingers just to reject me!
I’m the man you fell in love with. Nothing has changed!
Mal gave me everything other than a marriage proposal.
Am I the one in the wrong? Should I move in with him?
He doesn’t just love me. He has a faith in my talent and my work. I don’t think I’ll ever meet a man like Mal. If our feelings are true, maybe there’s no need for a certificate.
Judy, you’ve been working hard and you’re so young. I want you to find a nice man and have a happy family.
Give her a break, Tess. Judy’s doing something good here.
Judy is not your son. You’re living through Judy because it’s something Billy can never give you!
That’s not true, Tess. I’m not that type of guy. My family gets my first priority.
I’m sorry. It just breaks my heart to see Judy like this.
Remember, Judy, your mom and dad love you very much.
I know. Thanks, Mom, Dad.
I can’t tell them that I want to live with a man who doesn’t believe in marriage.
Return the keys and **let ** that be the end of it.
Mrs. Hagan.
It was nothing more than dirt and weeds. Now it looks like heaven! I can see what Mal’s been gushing about.

**let **

0012七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 00:38:24.82ID:XF1YsSx1

Good morning. Do you always work with your daughter, Mr. Campbell?
She asked for my company. I do everything in my power to make my baby girl happy.
I’ll give you the keys to the house and changing room. Please feel free to use anything you need.
That would be helpful.
Judy, come to the study and get **the** keys.

Mal’s been avoiding me like I’ve been avoiding him. We haven’t seen each other for the past three weeks. The garden will be complete in four days. After that I’ll never see Mal. Never again.

That was my brother. He must be frightened by your squeaky voice.
Don’t worry. I’ll get him and the truck out of the way. Sorry about the trouble. Good day.
Oh, dear. I didn’t mean to…
We’re going home, Billy.
But I’m not done **yet**
It’s okay, honey. Leave it.
Vivian Haulgate. The lofty flirt! They deserve each other!
Why are you crying, Judy?
My eyes. They hurt.
**I** thought I’d have a look at your wonderful garden you’re so proud of. I hope I didn’t offend the delivery girl.
I’ll send her your apologies. You can leave now.
But I just came.
I’m grateful for everything your husband has done for me. That’s why I’ve been treating you with respect.
It was a mistake! All you do is demand attention. Worse, it gave Judy the wrong idea about us. Be faithful to your husband. Promise me, Viv. You’re not allowed here without his presence.
Let’s have a break, Alf.
Will you come with me? There’s something I want you to see.
Make it quick. We’re undermanned.
Where’s Billy?
I can’t take it. You must have worked really hard to get your associates to agree.
All I had to do was show what you did with my garden. You earned it, Judy. Take it.
No, I didn’t. You’re the reason I got it. The answer is no. I don’t want to be in your debt!
So, you let the biggest chance of your life slip through your fingers just to reject me!
I’m the man you fell in love with. Nothing has changed!
Mal gave me everything other than a marriage proposal.
Am I the one in the wrong? Should I move in with him?
He doesn’t just love me. He has a faith in my talent and my work. I don’t think I’ll ever meet a man like Mal. If our feelings are true, maybe there’s no need for a certificate.
Judy, you’ve been working hard and you’re so young. I want you to find a nice man and have a happy family.
Give her a break, Tess. Judy’s doing something good here.
Judy is not your son. You’re living through Judy because it’s something Billy can never give you!
That’s not true, Tess. I’m not that type of guy. My family gets my first priority.
I’m sorry. It just breaks my heart to see Judy like this.
Remember, Judy, your mom and dad love you very much.
I know. Thanks, Mom, Dad.
I can’t tell them that I want to live with a man who doesn’t believe in marriage.
Return the keys and **let ** that be the end of it.
Mrs. Hagan.
It was nothing more than dirt and weeds. Now it looks like heaven! I can see what Mal’s been gushing about.

**let **

0013七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 00:38:57.36ID:XF1YsSx1

Good morning. Do you always work with your daughter, Mr. Campbell?
She asked for my company. I do everything in my power to make my baby girl happy.
I’ll give you the keys to the house and changing room. Please feel free to use anything you need.
That would be helpful.
Judy, come to the study and get **the** keys.

Mal’s been avoiding me like I’ve been avoiding him. We haven’t seen each other for the past three weeks. The garden will be complete in four days. After that I’ll never see Mal. Never again.

That was my brother. He must be frightened by your squeaky voice.
Don’t worry. I’ll get him and the truck out of the way. Sorry about the trouble. Good day.
Oh, dear. I didn’t mean to…
We’re going home, Billy.
But I’m not done **yet**
It’s okay, honey. Leave it.
Vivian Haulgate. The lofty flirt! They deserve each other!
Why are you crying, Judy?
My eyes. They hurt.
**I** thought I’d have a look at your wonderful garden you’re so proud of. I hope I didn’t offend the delivery girl.
I’ll send her your apologies. You can leave now.
But I just came.
I’m grateful for everything your husband has done for me. That’s why I’ve been treating you with respect.
It was a mistake! All you do is demand attention. Worse, it gave Judy the wrong idea about us. Be faithful to your husband. Promise me, Viv. You’re not allowed here without his presence.
Let’s have a break, Alf.
Will you come with me? There’s something I want you to see.
Make it quick. We’re undermanned.
Where’s Billy?
I can’t take it. You must have worked really hard to get your associates to agree.
All I had to do was show what you did with my garden. You earned it, Judy. Take it.
No, I didn’t. You’re the reason I got it. The answer is no. I don’t want to be in your debt!
So, you let the biggest chance of your life slip through your fingers just to reject me!
I’m the man you fell in love with. Nothing has changed!
Mal gave me everything other than a marriage proposal.
Am I the one in the wrong? Should I move in with him?
He doesn’t just love me. He has a faith in my talent and my work. I don’t think I’ll ever meet a man like Mal. If our feelings are true, maybe there’s no need for a certificate.
Judy, you’ve been working hard and you’re so young. I want you to find a nice man and have a happy family.
Give her a break, Tess. Judy’s doing something good here.
Judy is not your son. You’re living through Judy because it’s something Billy can never give you!
That’s not true, Tess. I’m not that type of guy. My family gets my first priority.
I’m sorry. It just breaks my heart to see Judy like this.
Remember, Judy, your mom and dad love you very much.
I know. Thanks, Mom, Dad.
I can’t tell them that I want to live with a man who doesn’t believe in marriage.
Return the keys and **let ** that be the end of it.
Mrs. Hagan.
It was nothing more than dirt and weeds. Now it looks like heaven! I can see what Mal’s been gushing about.

**let **

0014七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 00:41:32.30ID:AFu2H1LO

0015七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 00:51:48.70ID:kaoix6pJ

0016七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 00:53:02.73ID:9PUo24hD

0017七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 01:05:07.13ID:YmKhQeoA


0018七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 01:08:00.77ID:kaoix6pJ


0019七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 02:02:48.63ID:krgWS1mt

0020七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 02:25:34.71ID:1YeXDDvZ


0021七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 03:02:14.91ID:fjl1dgtH

0022七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 03:21:21.44ID:ogCWMfDx


0023七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 05:22:54.73ID:LTP1Bs7c

0024七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 12:28:16.76ID:kBz9BiTj

0025七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 12:48:55.71ID:9n0lKNnU

0026七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 12:50:06.63ID:9n0lKNnU

0027七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 12:52:32.77ID:LLqHB8kg

0028七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 21:22:13.53ID:3H20TT2c



0029七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 22:01:40.60ID:6BSyaK7p

0030七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 22:16:21.92ID:6BSyaK7p

0031七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 22:34:06.68ID:Yr3oTM0B

0032七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/09(火) 22:34:09.98ID:uOMVwjrG

0033七つの海の名無しさん2018/01/14(日) 15:59:14.55ID:sxm4Rg8j

■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています