サキオタ @sakiota48

JimとCode Monkeyに毎日リプライを送っているのにちっとも答えてくれない。2chの運営はほんと腐ってる。午後9:51 · 2017年5月30日

↓︎ 無視(多分非表示)されているのわかってながら怒涛のサキオタラッシュ↓︎

サキオタ @sakiota48·2時間

@xerxeswatkins What Mango does is clearly a departure from authority. It is abnormal. Please cancel regulation.

サキオタ @sakiota48·2時間

@xerxeswatkins I can not write on almost all boards of 2 ch. Despite using a RONIN. What authority do you have such regulations?

サキオタ @sakiota48·2時間

@xerxeswatkins What he is doing is cowardly and despicable. I want you to cancel the regulation.

サキオタ @sakiota48·2時間

@xerxeswatkins I asked Mango many times for explanation. Mango does not explain, and regulations are increasing.

サキオタ @sakiota48·2時間

@xerxeswatkins Mango does not listen to my opinion. It is too unreasonable. Please cancel the regulation.

サキオタ @sakiota48·2時間

@xerxeswatkins I have not shown the reason for regulation from Mango and can not write to the Mango board as well.