「Mac OS Xのテキストエディタ総合 Part12」から移動してきました

set filePath to "ファイルパス" as POSIX file

tell application "Finder"
open filePath using file "CotEditor" of folder "Applications" of startup disk
end tell

tell application "CotEditor"
tell front document
-- カーソルをドキュメントの末尾に移動
set docLen to length
set range of selection to {docLen, 0}
set contents of selection to return & return & return & return & "---" & (current date) & "---"
set theRange to range of selection
scroll to caret
set item 1 of theRange to (item 1 of theRange) + 2
set item 2 of theRange to 0
set range of selection to theRange
end tell
end tell