Record of a DoTeihen graduate incompetent to solve linear equation

We are taken aback by the daunting stupidity of the DoTeihen that he is not able to calculate the male/female proportion when each ratio and overall ratio are given

How come could such a retard go to the DoTeihen medical school?

Is there any better accounting for it than his bribing his way into the DoTeihen medical school, in other word Uraguchi?

Mr. Kazuki Enari, who insists DoTeihen medical school accommodates such feebs who cannot solve quadratic equations, would be flabbergasted .

It is as easy as anything even for junior high school students to solve the problem with a linear equation.

That Doteihen dumb contends unwisely that
male/female proportion is necessary to figure out.

After I posted the answer of its probability 0.2575549,
he responded that the answer needed unit.

There seems to be some unit to denote probability in DoTeihen medical school , LOL

How come could such a retard go to the DoTeihen medical school?

Is there any better accounting for it than his bribing his way into the DoTeihen medical school, in other word Uraguchi?