[Ultimatum] Declaration of War to Mr. President Trump

Declaration of War to Mr. President Donald Trump.
A beautiful Evening is it?
Right this is warning message from Terrorist Attack.
Korea, we're g0ing to re-attack US vice-ambassador Marc Knapper in Seoul.
So last time, my a5sassinator's mind is too weak to Cut the ambassador's artery perfectly.
End this time, we @dditionally prepared well trained traditional Cuisine-Professor and Kill that Son Of Bitch by nuclear poisoning.
Ok? We'll amputate all your political comrades slowly but surely one by one, until US army eliminates Bio-Chemical weaons in Korean Peninsular Father Land.
UltimatuM; 3xects us, our VVIP Archenemy Trump!
LIMFAO, See mark Soon in your After-Life……
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:# H.U.F.S. R.O. 4ourth 4inger :# :#
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